
Lakeland Burglary Defense Lawyer

In Florida, burglary is regarded as a felony offense. These offenders face prison terms, hefty fines, and other consequences. Burglary is a serious charge. You don’t want to risk your freedom and livelihood without the proper defense counsel. 

Those charged with a burglary need to contact a Lakeland criminal defense attorney. Along with protecting your rights, Robert Zlatkin will help defend you against these charges. 

Burglary Law in Florida

A burglary is defined as “entering a dwelling, a structure, or a conveyance with the intent to commit an offense therein” under Florida Statutes Section 810.02.


Under Florida law:

  • A “dwelling” is a building designated as a residence.
  • A building can be temporary or permanent under the “structure” definition.
  • Any train, motor vehicle, or boat falls into the category of a “conveyance.”


The least serious offense is the unarmed burglary of a conveyance. However, armed burglary in a dwelling leads to severe consequences. 


Florida state law has a broad definition of burglary. For a burglary to occur, the individual disregards the owner’s permission to access the building or vehicle. Forcible entry is also not required to be charged. In Lakeland, you can commit burglary by walking through an open door. 

Burglary involves illegal entrance into a building with the intent to commit a crime. To be charged with burglary, the intended crime does not need to be completed. Entry and purpose are all that are required for these charges. 


Authorized entry into a vehicle, building, or structure can also result in a felony offense. While entering these structures, the individual must intend to commit a crime.


There are many facets to burglary charges. If you have found yourself accused of this offense, reach out to a Lakeland defense attorney.

Lakeland Burglary Charges

Under Florida state law, there are specific degrees for burglaries. Serious crimes face higher penalties for the defendant. If you used a gun or motor vehicle in the commission of a crime, you might face enhanced charges. Some of these felonies include:

  • First-degree: Burglary with assault is considered a first-degree offense. If the individual was armed with a gun, the charge could be elevated. Property damages of over $1,000 raise the offense to first degree. These penalties are the most severe. In some cases, the offender could face life in prison. 
  • Second-degree: If the individual was armed but did not commit an assault during the burglary, it is a second-degree felony. Remaining in an unoccupied (or occupied) structure or conveyance is also considered a second-degree offense. Penalties for these offenses include a $15,000 fine with a 15-year prison sentence.
  • Third-degree: When someone enters and remains in an unoccupied structure or conveyance, the penalty is five years in prison and a $5,000 fine.


Depending on your case, specific circumstances play a role in determining the charges. After your arrest, you need to speak to a burglary defense lawyer in Lakeland.

Evidence in a Lakeland Burglary Case

For the prosecution to obtain a conviction, they must show “beyond a reasonable doubt” that you had the intent to commit a crime when entering the building. Prosecutors look for signs of damage to associate you with the alleged burglary. All this evidence could prove your guilt in a case. It is vital to get guidance from an experienced criminal lawyer in Lakeland to help craft a defense against these charges. 


Florida prosecutors consider burglary a serious offense. This crime leads to potential harm to the general public. In turn, prosecutors seek out evidence to tie you to the burglary and other criminal acts. As a result, you could face additional charges for the alleged crime. You should never accept an inadequate defense when your life is in the balance. 


Prosecutors actively pursue burglary charges and want to:


  • Increase the likelihood of conviction
  • Pressure you into a plea deal


This tactic can work when you don’t have effective legal counsel for your case. Your reputation and freedom are at risk when facing these charges.


If convicted, you will be registered as a felon in Florida. You may have issues with employment, child custody, and housing. Along with that, you could be classified under the “Anti-Murder” and the “Prison Releasee Reoffender” Acts.


Florida’s Anti-Murder Act limits the judge’s ability to grant a bond for probation if the crime qualifies as a “violent felony.” Under Florida law, a person designated under the “Prison Releasee Reoffender” Act will have enhanced penalties for committing a secondary crime. 

Burglary Legal Options

When you are charged with burglary in Lakeland, there are possible defenses for your case. Permission is the key to many legal defenses. In some situations, the individual was invited into a public building but failed to leave. For a burglary involving a conveyance, the defendant may have thought he or she had the owner’s permission to enter the vehicle legally. 


Proving intent is another burglary defense in Florida. If you entered a building without criminal intent, you could avoid the most severe penalties. You will want to contact a burglary defense attorney for your case. With some experienced help, you may avoid prosecution or conviction.

Our Lakeland Defense Attorney Can Help

If you are facing burglary charges in Lakeland, you want to call Robert Zlatkin. With some experienced legal advice, you can strengthen your case. He will work with you to determine the next steps for your specific circumstances. Contact Robert Zlatkin, Lakeland’s top criminal defense attorney, office today to schedule a consultation.

Let Robert help you!

If you have any questions, call or email Robert today for a free case review/consultation.

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