Robert Zlatkin is an experienced, and dedicated Criminal Defense and Civil Litigation Attorney. A graduate of the prestigious University of Florida’s Levin College of Law, Robert is a native Floridian with a strong connection to the Central Florida community. He graduated Cum Laude from the University of Central Florida with a Bachelor’s degree in History and made a decision early on to return to Orlando after law school to give back to the community he calls home.
As an Assistant State Attorney for the Ninth Judicial Circuit in Orlando, Robert most recently prosecuted a broad range of cases including D.U.I., battery, robbery, domestic violence, battery, and a myriad of felonies including violations of probation (VOPs). With hundreds of hours of court appearances and successful trials, it was here that Robert honed his litigation skills and developed a keen understanding of the nuances of the law. With his unique perspective of both sides of the criminal justice system, Robert’s clients derive significant benefit from this advantage.
Robert Zlatkin has had a wide range of legal expeirence including federal plaintiff lawsuits under the Telephone Protection Consumer Act (TCPA) and insurance defense, medical malpractice, and personal injury as a summer associate at the respected law firm of Wicker, Smith, Ohara, McCoy and Ford .
A compassionate, skilled and experienced attorney, Robert is a strong and relentless advocate for his clients. His practice areas include stalking, domestic violence, burglary charges, drug crimes, and juvenile crimes, among many others. If you’re facing any of these or related charges, get in touch with Robert today!
University of Florida Fredrick G. Levin College of Law, Gainesville, FL
Juris Doctor awarded May 2015
University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL
Bachelor of Arts, cum laude: History with minor in Archeology, July, 2012